chromatic: lgtbq+ experience in columbus

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Opening night: saturday, june 1, 6-9pm

June Gallery Night
Chromatic: LGBTQ+ Experience in Columbus
Saturday, June 1st, 6-9pm.

As a reflection of the anniversary of the Stonewall riots that occurred in 1969, over 20 local LGBTQ+ artists explore their experience as LGBTQ+ in Columbus as well as reflect how things have evolved over the past 50 years. From political strife to social gain, this month's show honors all parts of queer history past, present and future — obstacles in supporting the queer community, ways that we have made progress, and ideas for future growth.

Featured artist: Ashley Bartnick

Jennifer Morley
Kira Keck
Briden Schueren
Caitlin Leonard
Jess Ann
Mitch Vicieux
Spencer Rubinoski
Joshua Trout
Rubble Ejigu
Jay Lisk
Garrison Latimer
Natalie Steigmann-Gall
Troy Neptune
Gavin Bertaggia
David Walker
Sonya Lucas
Blake Hughes
Scott Green
David Bloom
Nicholas Corbett
Shannon Hedges
Heather Moore

A huge thank you to The Columbus Foundation, Greater Columbus Arts Council, Ohio Arts Council and Puffin Foundation West for their continued support of our monthly gallery series.